Monday, June 25, 2007

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Yet another new feature of this blog is "What's Wrong With This Picture," which will be where I feature a picture that is just wrong, wrong, wrong, and explain the reasons why.

For the inaugural WWWTP post, I submit the above picture. For the last couple of years I have driven by this business and its sign advertising "Mortgage Loans, Real Estate Services and Quality Auto Sales." Below these bullet points, the sign assures us that these are "Affordable Luxury Cars." In the same location (and presumably run by the same people) is a drive through coffee stand, auto repair shop, and a stereo/audio store.

I know that there are several real estate brokerages that combine the role of the real estate agent with that of the lender. But really, isn't this taking taking things a bit too far? Real estate brokerage, mortgages, used cars, auto repair and a drive through espresso stand all in one location really seems a bit excessive. Lending and real estate are both complicated enough without combining them. And it's bad enough people think of real estate agents as being on par with used car salesmen, do we actually have to BE used car salesmen to boot?

Well, that's what I think is wrong with this picture. If you see a picture that is just wrong, wrong, wrong, send it to me and maybe it can be published here!


Jillayne Schlicke said...

Well THAT's an interesting picture.
Question: what's the name of the mortgage business? It would be interesting to find out if this is even a licensed location.

When I click on the pic and get a bigger image size, it looks like the building is vacant, but it might be the camera angle.

Sandy said...

Yeah, I think they have gone out of business but they were there for a while.

Not sure what the name of the business was...they were at the corner of Beverley Park Road and Mukilteo Speedway if that is any help in your
tracking down!