Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Catching up the blog

Once again, I have gone too long between posts and now there are a bunch of things going on that I should probably write about here.

First in my announcements would be the fact that I was recently elected to the board of Habitat for Humanity. It's a volunteer position, and it's my first board position so I am pretty excited about it. I've been volunteering on the site selection committee for several months and really enjoying that, even though it is not easy to identify properties that are suitable for Habitat in our current high-priced market.

I'm really excited to be helping with the work Habitat does. In my job, I have the ability to have an influence on people's lives on a day to day basis, but the work that Habitat does really changes lives. It's "important" and I feel great about being a part of it.

I've also been traveling a lot recently, including a trip to Thailand where there recently was a bloodless coup. The military overthrew the elected government of the prime minister. We arrived "in-country" 2 days after a bomb threat against Prime Minister Thaksin, and left 2 weeks before the coup. I read the newspapers while we were there, and it was pretty clear something was brewing.

But happily there was no unrest in the air of the resort that we stayed at in Hua Hin, though.